Inspiring Quotes That Will Get You Up and Working
Words have an amazing power of their own. They can open us to new ideas, shape our thinking, change our emotional states and bring out the best in us. Words grip us. Large number of crowds, armies, public has united together because of the words of a skilled orator. A skilled orator can unite crowds, armies and the public through the use of these made up languages that has brought our species together in large numbers. So why not harness the power of these to bring out the best in us?
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1)Here are top 8 inspiring quotes that will get you up and working
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” - SocratesLike Jon Snow we really know nothing. Kidding. What Socrates is trying to outline is that our conduct in the world should not be of a master. Who is a master? A master has spent their a lot of time learning and perfecting, and now are the embodiment of knowledge and perfection. But where do they go from there? Is the adventure over? Is their grasp of knowledge enough for the ever evolving and everchanging landscape of human experience and knowledge? In a word no.
So how does one ensure that they are competent and conscientious enough to take on the world as an adventure? Become a learner. How does one become a learner? First by accepting that you know nothing, and go from there, and start learning and you’ll be wiser and better.
“Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better” - John C MaxwellFeeling stuck today? Feeling that nothing is going your way? Want to change it? Take action. Grow.
If we’re stuck we’d stay stuck unless we act upon it. That is literally Newton’s first law of motion. “An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion, unless acted upon by an external force.” So what are you going to do? Are you going to stay in the same place? There’s no external force that is going to come bail you out. To get unstuck. Take action. Grow. Make tomorrow better.
“Trust is built when people see that you are willing to make a sacrifice for them” - Simon SinekOne of the better byproduct of being a social creature is that we end up caring about the people around us. We (hopefully) care about our friends, we care about our family and our peers who are doing their best. As an individual, who is in a bind, who is feeling stuck, who is not able to find any way to take action and improve their situation, it helps to harness the power of love and care. People ensure that their loved ones or pets take their medicine on time, but won’t ensure that themselves. Because we care about others more than ourselves. Most of the time.
So why not harness this to make everything better for the people around you? Is making a sacrifice for people around us possible? It is. Sacrifice of our vices, ego, anger, self-indulgent behavior. Shedding all of these to become a competent person who can be trusted by people is the way to make things better. Sacrifice the vice. Take action. Grow.
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Here are some bonus quotes to ignite your soul
“It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary” - Elon Musk “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated” - Maya Angelou “Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs” - Charlotte Bronte “Stand up straight with your shoulders back” - Jordan B Peterson